How Do I Choose A Design For My Living Room?

Choosing the right design for your living room probably seems like a daunting task in and of itself, but in reality, it’s really just one part of an overall process that starts with finding and buying the furniture and finishes up when you’re finally able to sit back and enjoy what you’ve created. The place to start is by taking measurements of the space you have to work with, paying special attention to the furniture pieces that are already there.

This will give you a much better room decor ideas as to how much furniture can be accommodated and where the gaps may appear. Once you know what goes, it’s time to make your Color Scheme choice. This is one of those areas where professional Designers really earn their money because this decision takes into account the particular features and characteristics of your room that make it unique. The focus is on the materials from which your room is composed, walls, wood or tile floors, windows, doors, and baseboards

Make sure your measurements include not just the length and width of each wall but also depth, as this is often where some design tweaks may be necessary. You’ll want to factor in everything from floor-to-ceiling windows to built-ins that cut into available spaces, along with the placement of any radiators or AC vents. Once you’ve pinpointed exactly what’s going on in each room on a specific scale, you can start thinking about how best to use it all. If you have a fireplace, it’s likely that the nearby walls are going to get the brunt of the heat during the wintertime. That makes them prime real estate for sofa placement, but be aware that your choice of upholstery could end up being damaged by these extreme temperatures.

Choose a Design for Your Living Room.

Using the principles of Feng Shui, it’s possible to arrange the furniture in such a way that maximizes your available space and offers you comfortable access to all necessary amenities. The sofa should be placed in relation to the fireplace (or TV if there’s no fireplace) and somewhere close enough to a power source for your electronic devices. It may look like you’re sacrificing square footage, but in reality, it’s just a matter of smart design. Putting the sofa right against one wall may make it easier to cover with pillows and throws for color, or you can draw it up close to the TV (or fireplace) for easy viewing access.

If there is no fireplace, this arrangement offers the opportunity to incorporate a pair of cozy club chairs that can be rotated into place for use. This placement also allows you to draw the coffee table up close for convenient placing and retrieving of drinks and snacks. If there is no fireplace, this arrangement offers the opportunity to incorporate a pair of cozy club chairs that can be rotated into place for use. This placement also allows you to draw the coffee table up close for convenient placing and retrieving of drinks and snacks.

The coffee table should be placed in such a way that it’s easily accessible when seated but far enough back from the sofa so as not to interrupt a conversation or forward movement. Using side tables both offer maximum flexibility when it comes time to place your drinks, snacks, or other items on display while also giving you more ways to make visual changes by introducing new pieces.

Consider the space you have to work with.

In order to make the most of your available space, you’ll need to assess the furniture you have and what will be remaining. You want to create a visual flow for all of your room’s various elements, which means considering color schemes, scale, and how each piece relates to the next. There are many great ways to achieve this goal, and I’ll try to show as many as possible here.

The first thing you want to do is decide whether or not you’re going to be keeping your current sofa. If it’s still in good condition, then now is the time to decide if maybe a couple of accent pillows along with a nice throw would go a long way toward changing its look. Be honest about what will work and what won’t, because this makes a huge difference when arranging the room around it.

If you have an L-shaped couch, you have more flexibility than those who only have a traditional two-cushion couch that has straight arms and back legs instead of angled ones. In cases like these, there are many options for how best to use those possibilities. The first thing you want to do is decide whether or not you’re going to be keeping your current sofa. If it’s still in good condition, then now is the time to decide if maybe a couple of accent pillows along with a nice throw would go a long way toward changing its look. Be honest about what will work and what won’t, because this makes a huge difference when arranging the room around it.

Remove Any Clutter.

One of the best things you can do when it comes to making your living room feel larger than it is is to remove any excess clutter. This may just be a matter of moving items that don’t belong away from the room or even moving them out for storage altogether. You want to make sure you have open space in which people can move around conveniently. In terms of furniture, you’ll want to remove anything that doesn’t add value to the room. This includes items that are broken, missing parts, or just an eyesore in general.

If it’s a permanent part of your living room makeover plans but it has seen better days and will require some major repairs before giving every corner its share of attention is one of the keys to success when it comes to Designing Your Living Room. Haphazard placement of furniture and accessories only leads to chaos in the long run, so it’s important to be as methodical as possible. Start by clearing the floor around your furniture and accessories of anything that doesn’t belong there. If you have kids or pets, don’t forget about their toys, blankets, food bowls, and leashes, etc.

You want your room to look its best no matter who comes to visit! Once the floor is clear, take a good look at all of the chairs and ottomans in addition to your couch. Do any of them need a good dusting? Have you been meaning to change the color of those decorative pillows for some time now? Take this opportunity before starting on more involved projects that may end up costing money if there is damage done during the course of the room makeover.


There are many ways to go about redesigning a living room, but it’s important that you take your time and not rush into anything. Take the time you need for this process as there is no reason to be in a hurry when trying to accomplish something as important as redesigning a room you spend so much of your life in. Follow these tips and you’re sure to end up with a living room that is true all your own.

living room designs have come a long way in recent years! New layouts are always being created with the modern home in mind, but they’re also suited to traditional homes that prefer unique spaces. The choice is yours, but it’s worth noting that most layouts will provide the same function. Aesthetics are key if you want to pick a certain design, but it will come down to personal preference in most cases.

If you’re looking for a Singapore living room design then look nowhere else. Todzterior will surely help you in achieving the goals that you have for your home without spending too much money. Let us give you some guidance on how you can set up your home design to make it look aesthetically pleasing. We put together some of the most brilliant ideas. Please contact us for more information.

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